The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure (DBT PE) protocol for PTSD was developed by Dr. Melanie Harned at the University of Washington to facilitate routine treatment of PTSD among suicidal, multi-diagnostic individuals receiving DBT. The DBT PE protocol is based on Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy, an evidence-based treatment for PTSD that utilizes three core treatment strategies: in vivo (in real life) exposure, imaginal exposure, and processing.

The integrated DBT and DBT PE protocol utilizes a stage-based approach to treatment. During Stage 1, the focus of treatment is on helping clients gain control over life-threatening and other severe behaviors that interfere with therapy and quality of life, as well as increasing their behavioral skills. Once sufficient stability is achieved, during Stage 2, the DBT PE protocol is added to DBT in order to directly target PTSD-related thoughts, emotions, and overt behaviors. The protocol is typically delivered in 90-120 minute sessions, and clients continue to receive all standard modes of DBT treatment (individual therapy, skills group, phone coaching). Finally, once the client completes the DBT PE protocol, Stage 3 of treatment focuses on any remaining problems that clients would like to address, which often includes helping them learn to experience life without PTSD. Altogether, the integrated DBT + DBT PE protocol allows us to comprehensively address the full range of problems that are often experienced by individuals receiving DBT who have PTSD.

Importantly, research shows that the DBT PE protocol is effective for adults and adolescents, safe to deliver, and not only improves PTSD symptoms but is also associated with a decrease in risk of suicide attempts and self-harm, as well as reductions in depression, guilt and shame, and increases in global functioning.

DBT PE Resources:

1) Invited Talk, Ottawa Network for BPD

This one hour talk, which I gave in June 2021, provides an introduction to DBT PE for clients, clinicians, and family members.

2) Dr. Harned’s website

Dr. Harned’s website provides a comprehensive overview of DBT PE research and resources, including videos and podcasts.